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About Video - Why you choose to implode your successful career, relationships and lives Summary High performers and successful individuals often reach a point where they implode their lives. This is because their external success is often a result of their insecurities and compensating behaviour patterns. They exhaust themselves trying to maintain their identity and avoid their insecurities. However, their innate being, their true self, tries to break through and express itself. This can lead to a breakdown or a breakthrough, depending on how they handle it. Guiding people through this process can help them release their false identity and reveal their true self, leading to a more fulfilling and aligned life. Takeaways High performers and successful individuals often reach a point where they implode their lives. External success is often a result of insecurities and compensating behaviour patterns. Exhaustion comes from trying to maintain an identity that is not aligned with one's true self. Guiding people through the process of releasing their false identity and revealing their true self can lead to a more fulfilling and aligned life. Why you choose to implode your successful career, relationships and lives Sound Bites "Why would someone who seems successful, who has it all, just decide to blow it all up?" "Who we really are is this infinite, abundant, loving, free, peaceful kind of joyous, soul being." "This whole identity of who you think you are is a complete lie." Chapters 00:00 The Implosion of High Performers and Successful Individuals 02:17 The Role of Insecurities in External Success 04:15 Exhaustion from Maintaining Identity and Outperforming Insecurities 06:09 The Breakthrough of the Innate Being 08:28 Guidance and Mentorship in the Journey of Self-Discovery Greg Riley is Australia's Pre-Eminent Spiritual Advisor and Australia's Most Gifted Psychic. Greg was crowned "The One" Australia's most gifted psychic and has since then worked in the space of high performance and consciousness helping people turn into unstoppably calm, capable, game changing and energetic business and personal alchemists. Greg’s website: Greg’s Facebook pages: To book a session email or go to Keywords: high performers,successful individuals,implode,external success,insecurities,identity,innate being,breakdown,breakthrough,guiding,release,revelation,intuitive high performance,implode your successful career,implode your lives,implode your successful,implode your success,implode your career,implode career,implode relationships,implode your fulfillment,implode your opportunities,implode your relationships with others,implode your fulfilled lives,greg riley