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About Video - Breaking Cultural Barriers: The First Novel on Procurement and Why CPOs Deserve the Spotlight πŸ“šπŸŒŸ Why, one might ask, do CEOs often overlook procurement, a function that touches almost every facet of a business? The answer is a complex interplay of academic traditions, career paths, and even the narratives we consume in popular culture. 🎬 In a world where business schools lavish attention on marketing, sales, and finance, procurement is the wallflower at the academic ball. Our cultural heroes, too, are more likely to be found in the boardrooms of "Mad Men" or the trading floors of "The Wolf of Wall Street" than in a negotiation with suppliers. This absence is so glaring that ten years ago I decided to address it head-on with the first novel ever starring a Chief Procurement Officer (CPO), aptly titled "The CPO." But the narrative is shifting. My new book, "Profit from the Source," serves as a clarion call to CEOs. It outlines how they can leapfrog the competition by placing suppliers at the very core of their business strategy. 🌟 In "The CPO," the hero, Thomas Sutter, finds himself in an all-too-familiar corporate quagmire. Procurement managers, including himself, are often sidelined, brought into negotiations at the last minute to merely tweak contracts that have already been negotiated by others. This is not just a fictional scenario; it's a reflection of a pervasive corporate reality. Contrast this with the strategic approach I advocate for in "Profit from the Source." A CPO should not merely be a participant but should "own" the product lifecycle. Empowered by a mandate from the CEO, the CPO can drive corporate strategy, focusing on generating profitable growth rather than merely cutting costs. CEOs who recognize this shift can transform procurement from a backroom function to a cornerstone of competitive advantage. πŸš€ So, as we turn the page on outdated narratives, let's give procurement the starring role it deservesβ€”in our businesses and in our stories. Keywords: Breaking Cultural Barriers,The First Novel on Procurement and Why CPOs Deserve the Spotlight,Why CPOs Deserve the Spotlight,Breaking Cultural Barriers The First Novel on Procurement,The First Novel on Procurement,Procurement and Why CPOs Deserve the Spotlight,jesus accepts everyone,why cpos deserve the spotlight,supplier relationship management,how luck plays a role in success,breaking barriers motivational video,breaking barriers podcast,Christian Schuh