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About Video - The Allure of Cult-like Programs. The Pitfalls of Relying on Healers Summary The conversation discusses the concept of energy healing and the limitations of relying solely on external healing methods. It emphasizes the importance of self-belief and self-care in achieving true healing. Greg highlights the marketing tactics used in the healing industry and encourages individuals to be aware of their own energy and take responsibility for their well-being. The conversation discusses the allure of cult-like programs that promise massive shifts and changes in people's lives. It highlights the tactics used by these programs to create a heightened state of motivation and awareness in participants. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying focused and committed to personal growth, rather than relying on quick fixes or external solutions. The principal theme of the conversation is the importance of self-awareness and personal responsibility in healing. The speaker emphasizes that no one else can heal you, and that you have to do the work yourself. He encourages questioning beliefs and thought patterns and shifting one's identity and reality. Greg warns against relying on healers or external solutions and emphasizes the need for personal growth and self-transformation. The conversation emphasizes that healing is a personal journey and cannot be achieved by relying solely on external healers or therapists. It is important for individuals to take responsibility for their own healing and make the necessary shifts themselves. Greg highlights that healing is not about fixing something that is broken, but rather about shifting one's perspective and letting go of illusions. Takeaways Energy healing can provide temporary relief, but it is not a permanent solution to core issues. True healing requires self-belief and self-care. Individuals should be aware of marketing tactics used in the healing industry. Taking responsibility for one's own energy and well-being is crucial. Cult-like programs often use tactics to create a heightened state of motivation and awareness in participants. It is important to stay focused and committed to personal growth rather than relying on quick fixes or external solutions. The allure of these programs lies in the promise of massive shifts and changes in people's lives. Buyer's regret can often set in after the initial excitement wears off. No one else can heal you, you have to do the work yourself. Question your beliefs and thought patterns. Shift your identity and reality. Don't rely on healers or external solutions. Personal growth and self-transformation are essential. Healing is a personal journey that requires individuals to take responsibility for their own healing. External healers or therapists cannot fix or heal someone; individuals must make the necessary shifts themselves. Healing is not about fixing something that is broken, but rather about shifting one's perspective and letting go of illusions. It is important to understand that healing is a process and may require time and effort. Chapters 00:00 Introduction to Energy Healing 01:48 Addressing Core Issues 03:52 Questioning the Need for Big Shifts and Changes 05:55 Shifting Your Identity for Change 07:49 Shifting Your Mindset 07:59 The Role of External Healers Greg Riley is Australia's Pre Eminent Spiritual Advisor and Australia's Most Gifted Psychic. Greg was crowned "The One" Australia's most gifted psychic and has since then worked in the space of high performance and consciousness helping people turn into unstoppably calm, capable, game changing and energetic business and personal alchemists. Greg’s website: Greg’s Facebook pages: To book a session email or go to Keywords: pitfalls relying on healers,the allure of cult-like programs,allure of cult-like program,pitfalls of relying,pitfalls of relying on healers,allure of cult-like programs,the pitfalls of relying on healers,pitfalls of healers,dangers of healers,relying on healers,unregulated healers,health risks,healer credibility,healing fraud,healer dependency,critical view of healers,allure of cult like program,cult,pitfalls relying on healer,cult-like programs,Greg Riley