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About Video - Structure and Function of the Hand Structure and Function of the Hand The human hand is a remarkable and complex structure that plays a crucial role in our daily lives. It is a combination of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves that work together to perform various functions. Here's an overview of the structure and function of the hand: Structure: Bones: The human hand consists of 27 individual bones divided into three groups: Carpal Bones: These are the eight small bones that make up the wrist. Metacarpal Bones: Five metacarpal bones form the palm of the hand. Phalanges: There are 14 phalanges in the hand, with two in the thumb and three in each of the four fingers. Joints: The hand contains several joints that allow for a wide range of motion: Carpometacarpal Joints: These joints connect the metacarpal bones to the carpal bones. Metacarpophalangeal Joints: These are the joints connecting the metacarpal bones to the phalanges. Interphalangeal Joints: These joints are found between the phalanges. Muscles: The hand is equipped with a complex network of muscles that control its movement. These muscles are divided into two groups: extrinsic and intrinsic muscles. Extrinsic muscles originate in the forearm and control gross hand movements, while intrinsic muscles are located within the hand and are responsible for fine motor skills. Keywords: Structure and Function of the Hand,anatomy,function,Structure and Function,Function of the Hand,Structure Function of the Hand,The Correct Way,samir talas-future training,Way of Arrangement of the Gym,Correct Way of Arrangement,exercise,samir talas,samirtalas#,samirfultaneni emplease,nd Function of the Hand,Hand,talas samir,the hand,the hand explained jojo,training,samir talas-future