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About Video - Thanksgiving Vlog 1: The Road to Maine | Audrey Nguyen
Here is the first part of our journey to Maine for Thanksgiving with my
family. Mistakes were made with our chosen mode of transportation,
maybe we will learn from this for next time. I'm excited to share the rest of our trip with you soon! ? Please subscribe for more great content like this!
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What I use to film: Sony A6000 with 16-50mm lens
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Keywords: road trip to maine,thanksgiving vlog,thanksgiving vlog maine,audrey nguyen,audrey nguyen vlogs,audrey nguyen thanksgiving vlog,holiday vlog,travel vlog,travel vlog maine,maine travel vlog,trip to maine,new york to maine,home for the holidays,the road to maine,roadtrip to maine,amtrak downeaster,greyhound to boston,worst trip ever,worst commute of my life