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About Video - DEPRESSION : 5 Signs to Look Out For . A lot of people are getting affected by depression these days. Starting from TEENAGERS to OLD PEOPLE ,anyone  can suffer from depression. In most of the cases , we don't even realize that we are already in depression.This video tells you about the signs of depression. If you have been CRANKY, WORRIED , RESTLESS, UPSET , UNHAPPY, FRUSTRATED, STRESSED lately , if you have been spending SLEEPLESS NIGHTS or SLEEPING A LOT , if you have undergone UNEXPLAINED WEIGHT LOSS or WEIGHT GAIN,if you lack SELF CONFIDENCE, you are having trouble THINKING, CONCENTRATING , MAKING DECISIONS, if you are finding pleasure in all types of addictive stuffs like SMOKING, DRINKING, then you should be really concerned. Because chances are there that you are in depression.1.