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About Video - 10+ commonly used human sounds and expression in English - Basic English speaking & vocabulary There are many types of communication like vocal, written, sign language, body language etc. This video is more particularly related to some different sounds which are not necessarily produced through our vocal cords. So please watch this video to practice with me and use them as per the needs wherever applicable.Here in this video you will understand the following vocabulary:sneeze meaning, slurp meaning, sniff meaning, burp meaning, hum meaning, etc Keywords: Body language,public speaking in English,pant means in English,human sounds and expression in English,basic English speaking,vocabulary practice,hum meaning,english phrases seriese,expression in english,burp meaning,sneeze mearning,sniff meaning,snore meaning,pant meaning,slurp meaning,sniff and smell,body language 2018,commonly used human sounds and expression in english,10+ commonly used english vocabulary