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About Video - The Man Who Will Change India Forever|Nitin Gadkari|
The Man Who Will Change India Forever
GADKARI: The road man of India!
दोस्तों आज की इश में हम जानेंगे की नितिन गडकरी जी को the road man of इंडिया क्यों कहा जाता है,और क्यों उन्हें भारत किन सबसे बेस्ट पॉलिटिशियन कहा जाता है
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non profit,educational or personal.i am not owner of any content which i used in my video all resource like picture or video from google or any other helapful site which help us to explain our video nicely or deeply so i credit to my all work to google or any other sites.if i used any others content then i will definitely credit to him thanks i hope all owner understand ti me if i used some content in my videos thanks again to all ownersNITIN GADKARI: The road man of India!
#nitingadkari #nitingadkarispeech #nitingadkarinews #revolutionwithankit #ankitpathak
Keywords: ]revolution with ankit,ankit,bjp leader nitin gadkari,gadkari,india road infrastructure,nitin gadkari,nitin gadkari interviw,nitin gadkari latest news,nitin gadkari news,nitin gadkari podcast,nitin gadkari speech,nitin gadkario latest spech,गडकरी भाषण,जीवन में गडकरी,नितिन गडकरी,भारत सड़क विकास,भारतीय सड़कें