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About Video - Everyday Legends Podcast Episode 86 - What kind of man are you? - Solo Episode In this episode I dive into some important questions around personal growth and development. I invite listeners to reflect on the results and situations in their lives that no longer serve them, as well as what traits and characteristics they want to embody going forward. We discuss the importance of getting clear on what you want versus what you don't want and creating actionable plans for achieving your goals. I provide exercises for listeners to brainstorm these ideas and get feedback from others. The show focuses on taking tangible actions, not just mental masturbation. If you want to get real about the man you want to become, tune in. Let me know how you get on with the exercises. Share your lessons or find me on social media (@mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook) to discuss your progress on the journey to becoming an everyday legend. Get Involved: Subscribe and REVIEW on Apple Follow and RATE on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Emails to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your inbox - avoid the vortex of Social Media and get the days best content instantly. Want to explore DEEP coaching support and guidance with Mike? The Everyday Legends Academy is now open for enrolment applications. Start the exploration process with Mike NOW to see if it can be the full and remarkable solution for you like it has been for so many men before you Other Ways To Consume This Podcast iTunes Spotify Youtube Mikes Website