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About Video - Everyday Legends Episode 88 How to find more time - Solo episode In this episode of the Everyday Legends podcast, I discuss how we can often feel like we don't have enough time and get caught up in being "busy". I explore how this is usually a reflection of our relationship with ourselves rather than a real lack of time. I share how telling ourselves we need to "find time" is disempowering and prevents us from prioritising what's truly important. Instead, we must choose to make space and be intentional with our energy. I also discuss the fear that many men have around slowing down and the noise we can make to avoid our own thoughts and feelings. To wrap up, I offer a simple daily exercise of creating 15 minutes of alone time to sit with your thoughts. Committing to this for 6 months can lead to powerful self-awareness and shifts. If you struggle with feeling like you're always busy but not making time for what really matters, I encourage you to give this a try. Get in touch and let me know how it goes. As usual, I trust you'll get something from this episode. If you have questions about it - ask me. Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook. Get Involved: Subscribe and REVIEW on Apple Follow and RATE on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Emails to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your inbox - avoid the vortex of Social Media and get the days best content instantly. Want to explore DEEP coaching support and guidance with Mike? The Everyday Legends Academy is now open for enrolment applications. Start the exploration process with Mike NOW to see if it can be the full and remarkable solution for you like it has been for so many men before you