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About Video - benefits of Idly in Tamil|Healthy breakfast in tamil|diet tipsIdly healthy Idea|tamil health tips Healthy breakfast recipes of India.. best healthy breakfast recipe ..soft Idli recipe.. by eating Idli is a healthy Idea recipe in Tamil.. best diet tips idly one of the best Indian innovations in world.. health benefits of Idli in Tamil..இத்தனை சத்துக்களா?? இந்த இட்லில...சாதாரணமாக நினைக்கும் இந்த உணவுகளில் இத்தனை சத்துக்களா?The benefits calories on the nutritional content of Idly.. Idly on such food items that is not only a stable food for millions in India.. but because of its healthy and nutritional value are enjoyed world over.project idly is an innovative to help people learn about this amazing food and how it should always remained the part of your daily diet ..soft Idli recipe why eating Idli is healthy Idea recipes in Tamil.. an Italy full up with fewer calories according to healthy calories counter 1 ,idly contains only 65 calories ,Idli also known as Iddly is a steamed cake made from rice and black lentils originating from South in India.. Idly are made in a specified mold and eaten with chutney ,vegetable stew or other flavourful toppings or breakfast or as a snack .benefits of Idly and its nutrition value.. Idly is good as healthy breakfast best nutritional dish of South India food value of Idly ..Idly is ideal..More health and beauty tips in Tamil subscribe our channel :: Keywords: Tamil health tips,Tamil healthy tips,health tips in Tamil,healthy breakfast ideas,healthy recipes,Tamil Healthcare,breakfast (type of dish),breakfast recipes,breakfast ideas,Tamil recipes,healthy breakfast ideas for school,healthy breakfast,quick and easy breakfast,fast breakfast idea,healthy food,Indian breakfast recipe,South Indian breakfast recipe,healthy eating,Idly,best food,South Indian food,Indian breakfast,cooking,nutrition,diet,benefits